
Simple, fast, and secure pastebin service

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pastes have been created

Create a paste and share it with your friends.
No account required.



Notipaste are powered by Yopta-Editor and Slate to bring Notion-like experience to you when creating a paste.
With this you can easily create a paste with rich text, code, media and many more.

  • Rich text editor
  • Code block with syntax highlighting
  • Media support (Image, and Video)
  • Embed support (YouTube, Twitter, etc)
  • Expiration date
  • Password protection


Notipaste is 100% free to use.
No ads, no tracking, no bullshit.

What's the catch?

I'm hosting this service on my own computer.
So it will down for couple minutes when I need to restart my computer.
But if it's down for more than a hour, it means there are power outage on my area. (You can blame the power company for that).